
Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn
Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn

Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn

"- Rave Reviews "Be warned-if you buy one, you will want to buy them all. "- VOYA "I recommend this series highly to all lovers of rich, elaborate fantasies."- American Fantasy Magazine "Melanie Rawn does for fantasy what Frank Herbert did for science fiction in his classic novel Dune. Rawn moves her large cast swiftly and colorfully."- Publishers Weekly "Rawn's lush world of princes and dragons, sun-born magic, and tangled politics comes to life in this romantic fantasy saga."- Library Journal " Dragon Prince is a classical fantasy tale of the struggle of good and evil. Combining dragons, a family full of passion and hate, and medieval-style politics and warfare, it has all the ingredients to please."- Locus "Readers desiring yet another romantic fantasy of fierce dragons, tangled dynasties and love triumphing over adversity need look no further. Melanie Rawn is good! "-Anne McCaffrey "Novelist Melanie Rawn is quite deft at building a complex story. In this unsettled world, the death of the ruler of the desert princedom becomes the catalyst for power games of. Praise for Melanie Rawn and the Dragon Prince trilogy: "Marvelous. Dragon Prince audiobook, by Melanie Rawn.

Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn