
Something I Am Not by Cher Gatto
Something I Am Not by Cher Gatto

I guess it was all in there, needing to come out. But three hundred and fifty pages later, I was done. I had no idea how the story would unfold, or even what themes would develop. I hid myself away whenever I could for months and wrote furiously. And one day, while I was cleaning a horse corral, I had Billy’s story. A few months later, I saw one of the girls at church escorted by her “father.” When our eyes met, the vacancy in hers shattered my heart. All the girls were sent back to where they came from. Their stories tragic and incomprehensible.Ībout a year after we got on the field, the shelter closed down for a dangerous breach in security. Many of the babies a result of abuse, rape, or incest. I say “women’s” shelter, but most were children (13, 14, 15 years old) trying to raise babies of their own. Our co-workers ran a women’s shelter in the city, and we used the horses to love on the girls there. Our family (my husband and I and our five children) lived in Mexico developing a horse ranch for kids, at-risk youth, and broken families in impoverished villages surrounding the ranch. It’s something that happened to me when I wasn’t looking.

Something I Am Not by Cher Gatto

Her new novel, Regent, is scheduled to release this fall, and she has begun a sequel to Something I Am Not. Cher’s debut novel won the Genesis Award in 2016 and the Christian Indie Award for Best YA in 2020. Cher has a Master’s in Psychology and serves as president of the ACFW NY/NJ chapter.

Something I Am Not by Cher Gatto

Their family spent 10 years in Mexico developing a horse ranch for kids (see more about the ranch below) and founded an addictions ministry (R-HUB) back in the states. Cher Gatto is a native to NJ and lives with her husband (pastor) and five teenagers.

Something I Am Not by Cher Gatto