He mentions that he had killed another warrior, Runningwind, as a rogue, before he became ShadowClan's new leader.

While the rest of the Clan was fighting, he had tried to kill Bluestar himself, but Firestar had stopped him. Firestar then states that Tigerstar had conspired with Brokentail, a former ShadowClan leader, and brought rogues into the camp. The other Clans, not including BloodClan, are shocked, as she is very popular within them. Fireheart goes on to mention that he had set a trap for Bluestar by the Thunderpath, but that Cinderpelt had strayed into it instead and broke her leg. After that, Tigerstar had been made deputy. He says that Lionheart had been chosen first, but he had died after a fight with ShadowClan. He first mentions that he had killed the former ThunderClan deputy, Redtail, so he could be made deputy in his place. Firestar takes this opportunity to make an impression on Scourge and reveal Tigerstar's murderous past. The small tom steps forward and reveals that his name is Scourge and that he leads the Clan, and that they would listen to him only. Tigerstar then orders BloodClan to attack, but they don't listen. It is then that Firestar realizes that he would not be able to reason with him now, so he calmly agrees to fight, if that is what Tigerstar wants. Tigerstar interrupts his thoughts by claiming that he changed the number of Clans in the forest, thus making him more powerful than StarClan. Firestar realizes that it's possible a group of these cats could have come to the forest to see what they had been offered. Thornclaw remembers scenting rogues the day he was made a warrior, and tells Firestar that they were probably from BloodClan. Tigerstar announces that they are BloodClan, and that they were to convince Firestar and Tallstar to join his Clan. Firestar turns to Tigerstar and asks who they are.

Then he sees a small black tom, who goes to stand beside Tigerstar, and wonders who he could be, since he looks far too small to be a warrior. Firestar spots a large black-and-white tom, and assumes he is the leader.

Because of this, Ashpaw, a ThunderClan apprentice, thinks they're kittypets. Chapter description Many of the newcomers are revealed to be wearing collars.